Lockdown Love

I call it ‘Lockdown Love’ but some days it was a roller coaster of emotions uncertainty, worry and sadness that I am sure you can all relate too. I really had to work hard daily to take my yoga and practice it off the mat to stay positive & present. BUT… there was so much I loved about staying at home. I loved not rushing around, long walks, spending time with my fiance and now 1 year old, having time to exercise more, and of course I loved all the online teaching.

Online teaching was on my list to do sometime in the future, just a thought that I might delve into at some point. And then overnight boom I had to make it happen! Was I nervous, yes! Was I unsure it would work, absolutely yes. But with all the love and support from clients and a little technology I think it went quite well. In fact it went so well that it is here to stay in one form or another. Connecting with people was important in those scary days of March, April & May and exercise, health and wellness was definitely important. It gave me some routine and structure to the day, a lift of spirits seeing you appear in the zoom boxes, a smile a laugh and also energy, strength and tone to my body! Eight classes a week full out no excuse to go for a little wonder around the studio!

It made me happy to connect with people from all over the UK, Europe, New Zealand each week and inviting clients old and new to join the classes and build a strong tribe all together.

So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being with me on this lockdown online journey. We will meet again on our mats all together in the very near future but for now I will mute my mic, take a posture check and a long deep breath!

Love Fiona

